In case you missed 360 Play Basildon Ltd announcement, there have been some tweaks to current procedures to make things easier for you and more like the old normal.
• You will still have to book your visit but there are more arrival times available to book and you won’t be held to the exact arrival time as long as you have booked with us. ⏰
• The building will also no longer close between sessions so that you can take advantage of longer play sessions. ❌
• The strict cleaning regime will continue while the centre is open so some attractions may be closed for a short period of time to carry out cleaning.
• 360 will still be running to a reduced capacity and at peak times (holidays and weekends) we may have to enforce a 2 hour session time and you may be asked to leave. 🪁
• The outdoor areas will remain open throughout the autumn and winter for those that want to have the outdoors experience and to keep fresh air to the max. The centre may feel slightly cooler due to this so maybe bring a jumper on your visit. 👍
• For those of you who are Play Pass holders, you will not have to book your visits from Monday-Friday in term-time, instead 360 will just check you in and out as normal, so you may visit during this time ad hoc to suit your babies and children’s sleep patterns. 🎫
• Thought you will still need to book through the existing system for weekends and school holidays when we are in peak times as our capacity is still vastly reduced. 👦👧
Click here to book your next session: ⬅