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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (12A)

By December 24, 2019February 4th, 2020Film Club

Release Date : 19th December 2019

4.5/5 Stars

The rise of sky walker and the return to a best for the last piece of the saga. This film is a fantastic fan service and fitting end to the skywalker series of films.

From epic battles, moments of sheer force inducing goosebumps and comedy gold from C3PO. The opening 20 minutes of this chapter was a “don’t worry guys we got you” from director J.J Abrahams. Returning the magic of star wars to the forefront of nostalgic memory.

And the ending was in my opinion…perfect  from the climatic battle to the last few scenes it felt like getting a Hug from an old friend. The few surprises sprinkled in along with new characters to love made this feel fresh but somehow familiar. The story, the battles, the cinematography and the direction of this film really make this the best Star Wars of the trilogy. Without giving away too much I had emotions ranging, no way!, joy, sadness, surprise, inspiration and relief.

To sum this film up, it is the star wars that old fans deserved, new fans will love and casuals can relate. Every character has their moment and every joke, twist, surprise and new character feels carefully placed to fit the story perfectly.

Go and see it over the Christmas break and re-spark your love for the franchise!


Review by Warren Day