Release date: 14th June 2019.
Following a hit and miss trilogy, the Men in Black franchise is back, this time with some fresh faces to take on the worst scum in the universe. Repping the clandestine corporation are Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thomspon of Avengers fame, who take on the latest alien threat to life on earth.
Hemsworth and Thompson display the same magnetic chemistry they did in Thor Ragnarok, even if the script doesn’t quite serve them as well this time around. However, there is the niggling feeling that some of their best interreactions may have been left on the cutting room floor. Hemsworth in particular continues to prove he’s packing some decent comedy chops and provides the most of the films best comedic moments.
It’s great to be back in the MIB universe, there are some familiar faces in the form of Frank the pug dog and the coffee-mad worms, as well as new additions who slot right in such as Liam Neeson’s High T. Unfortunately, it’s difficult not to compare this to the original and, given that the original is something of a modern classic, that leaves some pretty big space boots to fill.
Overall, this is a fun ride, with some good gags and action beats. Sadly the charm and heart of the originals are missing despite good performances all round. It seems the ultimate secret to this franchise’s success might lie in the relationship between Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones’ odd couple agents J and K.
Reviewed by: Matt Allen
Rated: 3/5 stars