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By June 20, 2018Film Club

Release Date: 15th June 2018

Hereditary had us on the edge of our seats for the majority of the film.

It started by following the family after the death of their Grandmother, showing their grieving process and how they were trying to get on with their normal lives again.  It became increasingly clear throughout the film that there were some supernatural tendencies from the mother, Annie (Toni Collette) and her daughter, Charlie (Milly Shapiro).  The film had everything you would expect from a typical horror, visits from beyond the grave, a suspicious medium and deathly consequences.  But what this film also had, was a powerful storyline on an emotional level as it followed the mothers struggle with several deaths in the family.

It definitely had its fair share of gory moments and moments that made you cover your eyes.  The film has a definite sense of unease throughout, right up until the ending.  This is where it unfortunately slips into the typical horror curse of becoming too unrealistic and almost detached from the rest of the story.

The film is still worth a watch as it is very gripping and full of unsuspected moments and there were great performances from all the cast.

Reviewed by: Catherine Nuttall

Rating: 4/5 stars