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By October 21, 2017November 6th, 2017Events

Chiquito have had a Gluten Intolerance Choices menu for a while now but this year they’ve pushed it further with a dedicated Gluten Free menu.

Gluten Free doesn’t mean a few measly options to them; it means all the taste and flavour of Chiquito just with some handy twists to say adios to that gluten.

Their famous fajitas, street food, burgers, chilli and ribs are all ready to give your taste buds a treat.

There’s even a range of dessert options, winning!

Their menu has also been accredited by Coeliac UK, mega exciting and a big honour for them. So whether you’re coeliac or looking for some gluten free options, our new menu is now available all day, every day, in all Chiquito restaurants.

See you soon!